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THE BOOK SHELF: Year of Yes (Shonda Rhimes)

Introducing a new feature to this blog called The Book Shelf! This will be a monthly feature about a book recommendation/review, that I have been reading, if you are looking to get your hands on a good read. There's nothing quite like getting lost in the pages of a writer's imagination, forgetting for that time about everything else and just following the tale in each line.

I posted about this book a few weeks ago on my Instagram (if you don't follow me you should) by recommendation of a close friend. I will admit, I am a fiction kind of girl and not really one to voluntarily reach for non-fiction, or self-help books. However, because this is written by the television queen herself, I had to give it a go.

If you watch have ever watched one of Shonda Rhimes TV series, such as Grey's Anatomy (my favourite), Scandal and How to get away with murder, you will know the kind of addiction these series inject into the viewer. Her book was no different.

From the start of this book I was instantly drawn in, by the tone of her voice, her very dry humour and the wit in her explanations. It definitely is a fun read, filled with comedy while still incapsulating the strong message she is trying to communicate to the reader.

This message is not depicted through story-telling but rather through experiences in her life that made her year of yes what it was. Each chapter opens your eyes to things I hardly ever think about, and I doubt others do too. Each chapter brings with it a new start, a new experience, a new laugh, a new lesson.

While reading this book I found myself googling and reading about her life, watching her Ted talks on the year of yes, I YouTubed her interviews with Oprah and watched till the end. What I am saying is that she drew me in, not only in the book but as a writer, as a women and I grew more interested to learn more about her, which didn't end in the book for me.

I think the book is an inspiring piece of literature which is written from the perspective of an African American woman trying to make her place in TV, but also a mother of three, a sister, daughter, friend, writer and boss lady. It's like talking to your older aunt and having a funny yet inspiring conversation on life, work, how to find yourself and self-confidence.

Without giving too much away - I can with out a doubt say this is for every women out there. There's so much to take away from this book and its one of those that has you feeling richer after turning over the last page.

Rating: 9/10

SNEAK PEAK: My favourite page from the book








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