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[PHOTO FEATURE]: Bangkok: A City by Night

Over the December period I visited the Southeast Asian country - Thailand. One of the most popular travel destinations for South Africans. Known for it's tropical beaches, opulent royal palaces, ancient ruins and ornate temples displaying figures of Buddha - Thailand is beautiful in all shapes and forms.

First stop was the capital city of Bangkok - very similar to the hustle and bustle we are used to living in metropolitan Johannesburg - but just a little more.

This ultramodern cityscape rises next to quiet canalside communities and the iconic temples of Wat Arun, Wat Pho and the Emerald Buddha Temple (Wat Phra Kaew). Nearby beach resorts include bustling Pattaya and fashionable Hua Hin.

Thai cuisine is very different, the focus lies in lightly prepared dishes filled with spices and tastes foreign to the tastebud. While I felt like I hardly got full from a Thai meal it was an experience trying sushi and local Thai food for the first time.

One thing I learnt is that the Thai are very into their seafood - fried fish is a delicacy and fruits are the Earth's gift to us.

Highlights from the busy yet very organised city of Bangkok is the night market, the makeshift Bar which operates from a VW van, the markets and the scooter transportation. So unique to the Thai people and only operational in their country.

Bangkok is a shopping destination for the rich and poor. You can find anything you want in and around the city at shops, markets and malls.

This city has life, it breathes excitement, movement and vibrancy. Bangkok is a city known around the world for its cultural appeal and amazingly decorative temples. Thailand's capital city definitely made its mark in my mind and some place I say visit once in your life.

A life so different yet appealing, the simple life where people just make their circumstances, their surroundings and their city work for them.

One thing any foreigner will take away from visiting Thailand is that they are a nation who bow at the feet of their King out of respect because he is the father of the country who encourages all the Thai people to see each other as family.

A refreshing sense of calm, respect and general consideration for the next person, their country and people. It's a thriving nation and a holiday worth spending on. It won't disappoint.








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